FNQ Winter Escape Wrap Up with Adventure Sports

Well after over 4000 kilometres in our own trusty ute & camper trailer, plus another few thousand with Australian Kite Surfari we can say we have trekked quite a lot of the Queensland Coastline over the last three weeks or so. 

In this update, we will focus on the great progression of some of our locals as they joined us in Yorkeys Knob, Green Island and Cape Flattery to maximise their time on the water over winter. From all reports so far, everyone was really happy with the accommodation, locations on offer and the conditions.

Yorkeys wasn't cranking by any means, but that didn't stop everyone from getting out on the water. They learnt pack down, self rescue, light wind riding techniques and even Lisa had a go on the 15mtr Juice. Our big kites got a lot of testing in Cairns/Yorkeys but everyone was back on their own gear for our Green Island Day Trip and the last day in Yorkeys before heading North. 

Green Island was a gem of a day. With conditions similar to our Fiji Trips, just right there only 45minutes out of Cairns Harbour. Everyone was raving about the day. We all kited ourselves into exhaustion and have a great collection of photos to show for it.

You will find a snap shot of a few photos of Cairns and Green Island on our Flickr Album.

Cape Flattery delivered some serious wind and deserves a full article which will be published shortly. 

Thanks to everyone for joining us and making the trip enjoyable. For info on some of the locations we visited along the coast call in to the shop and say hi. We will be running a couple of updates on the road trip over the next month. See you on the water.